Detailed introduction of stone processing process

Author:Dafon Kerbstone Machine FROM:Stone Machine Manufacturer TIME:2024-06-19

  •  Stone species category

American Society for Testing and Materials According to the composition of the stone, the natural finishing stone is divided into six categories: granite, limestone, marble, sandstone, slate, and other stone. In recent years, as people's demand for personalized home decoration continues to rise, the application of natural stone is becoming more and more widespread. I believe that in the future, more kinds of stone will be developed and utilized, for people's lives to add beauty!

  • Stone product classification

There are many types of stone products, according to the processing technology and the use of parts can be divided into the following categories:

 1.Classification by processing process

Shaped products: carving, arc plate, hollow columns, solid columns, lines, parquet, etc. This kind of product modeling is changeable, beautiful, and exquisite, commonly used in interior decoration and art creation.

Plate products: including large plates, specification plates, thin plates, and so on. These products have uniform specifications, are easy to process and lay, and are suitable for indoor and outdoor walls, floors, and various decorations.

 2.Classification according to the use of parts

Indoor stone: used for indoor decoration, such as walls, floors, countertops, partitions, and so on. This stone should pay attention to beauty, environmental protection, and safety.

Outdoor stone: used for outdoor decoration, such as plaza floors, landscaping, and wall decoration. This type of stone should focus on weather resistance, anti-skid, and frost resistance.

Wall stone: used for wall decoration, such as tiles, murals, art parquet, and so on. This type of stone should focus on the decorative effect and wear resistance.

Ground stone: used for ground paving, such as flooring, pavement, steps, and so on. This kind of stone should pay attention to wear resistance, anti-skid, and impact resistance.

Building stone: used in building structures, such as piers, beams, railings, and so on. This type of stone should pay attention to its bearing capacity and durability.

Decorative stone: used for indoor and outdoor decoration, such as cabinet countertops, washbasin countertops, handicrafts, and so on. This type of stone should focus on aesthetics, practicality, and environmental protection.

  • Processing technology

In terms of various types of stone product processing, different product processing technology is different. For example, the most common decorative stone panels and lines, processing technology are as follows:

1. Mining

Mining is mainly divided into manual mining and blasting mining two ways. Blasting mining can be subdivided into micro-blasting mining and large-blasting mining.

Manual mining is suitable for softer textures of the ore, such as marble and coastal granite, with the advantage of low material loss, but less efficiency.

Micro blasting is used for slightly harder ores and has the advantage of higher efficiency than manual mining and relatively low material loss.

Large blast mining for the very hard texture of the ore, is the advantage of mining efficiency, but the disadvantage is that the material loss is huge, only in extreme cases will be used.

In short, the choice of mining methods should be based on the nature of the ore and the actual situation of comprehensive consideration, to achieve the effective use of resources and maximize production efficiency.

2.stone block processing

Extracted natural stone blocks, known as barren material, need to be processed to become usable stone slabs. According to the type of stone, mainly use quarry mining machine or diamond saw for sawing.

quarry mining machine

3.cutting process

Stone cutting process is the use of cutting machine will be rough or polished plate according to the required specifications for the size of the stereotypes cut process. The main use of processing equipment including multi-balde bridge cutter, bridge saw machine, single handle stone block cutter machine and Manual Edge Cutting Machine. After the stone slab is cut into the required size specifications by the edge cutting machine, it can be sold at the factory. Common general specifications in the domestic 800800mm and 600600mm, in addition to 500500mm

specifications; export plates are commonly used 305305mm, 406406mm, 610610mm, 812 * 812mm and other specifications, but also can be customized according to customer demand.

multi-blade bridge cutter

4.Grinding and polishing

The purpose of grinding and polishing is to further process the sawn slab so that its thickness, flatness and gloss meet the requirements. The process first needs to be rough grinding and leveling, and then gradually through the semi-fine grinding, fine grinding, fine grinding and polishing, the granite color texture completely show. The main processing equipments are: multi heads grinding plishing machine line, stone slab surface cutter, bridge polishing machine, disc grinding machine, manual polishing machine.

granite polsihing machine line

5.Stone Surface Processing

Stone surface processing refers to different treatments on the surface of the stone, so that it presents different appearance effects and performance. Stone surface processing methods are varied, common ones are as follows:

(1) Polished: A very smooth, highly polished surface with a mirror effect and a high gloss. Granite, marble and limestone are usually polished and require different maintenance to maintain their luster.

(2) Honed: Smooth surface, but with low polish, diffuse reflection, no luster, no mirror effect, no light pollution.

(3)  Rough-Rubbing: the surface is simply polished, the rough board cutting process to form the machine cut grain can be ground, the feeling is very rough matte processing.

(4) Machine-Cut: directly from the disc saw sand saw or bridge cutting machine and other equipment cutting and molding, the surface is rougher, with the obvious machine cut grain.

(5) Pickling: strong acid corrosion of the stone surface, so that there are small traces of corrosion, the appearance is more rustic than polished surface. Most stones can be pickled, but the most common are marble and limestone. Acid washing is also a way to soften the luster of granite.

(6) Bush hammered: rough surface, uneven, is a chisel on the surface of the dense chiseling out small holes, there is an imitation of water droplets over the years on the stone a kind of effect.

(7) Picked: the surface is more uneven than lychee processing, like the skin of a pineapple.

(8) Chiselled: also known as longan surface, is chopped with an axe knocked on the surface of the stone, the formation of very dense stripes of texture, some of which is like the effect of longan epidermis.

(9) Flamed: rough surface. This kind of surface is mainly used for indoor such as flooring or for commercial building finishes, labor cost is higher. Flamed surfaces are formed by heating at high temperatures and then cooling quickly.

(10) Nature Split: Commonly known as Nature Split, it has a rough surface, but not as rough as Flamed. This finish is usually achieved by using a stone splitting machine to reveal the natural split surface of the stone.

(11) Tumbled: Smooth or slightly rough surface with smooth and broken edges.

(12) Brushed: The surface is old. The process involves brushing the surface of the stone to mimic the natural wear and tear of the stone.

(13)Water-jet: high-pressure water directly impact the surface of the stone, stripping the softer texture of the components, the formation of a unique hairy decorative effect.

(14) Antique: imitation of stone after a certain number of years of use of the antique effect of the surface processing, generally with antique grinding brush or antique water treatment, generally antique grinding brush effect and cost-effective some, but also more environmentally friendly.

(15) Flamed + Brushed: the first fire and then do antique processing.

(16) Pickling + Brushed: first pickling in the antique processing.

(17) Sandblasted: with ordinary sand or sand instead of high-pressure water to flush the surface of the stone, the formation of a flat sand effect of the decorative surface.

(18) Grooved: in the stone surface to open a certain depth and width of the groove

(19) Mushroom: generally with stone splitting machine, the effect is similar to the natural split, but the surface of the stone day was raised in the middle of the plateau-like shape around the depression.

bush hammer machine

6. Detailed processing

Detailed processing of the stone has been cut to make the stone more beautiful and practical. Common operations include grinding edge, chamfering, opening, drilling, milling slot and so on. These fine processing can make the edge of the stone more flat, more beautiful shape, more functional.

Commonly used processing equipment includes auto edge chamfering machine, stone profiling machine, stone drilling machine and so on. These machines are easy to operate and can meet the needs of various stone processing.

bridge cutter machine

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