2024 DAFON Annual Meeting Ceremony!

Author:Dafon Kerbstone Machine FROM:Stone Machine Manufacturer TIME:2024-04-03

On January 20, 2024, Dafon Machinery held the 2023 Outstanding Employee Appreciation Meeting and Tailgate Dinner with the theme of "Faith - To the Beautiful" in the cold and windy winter. The event site was full of guests, and a lively and peaceful scene.

At the annual meeting, the site atmosphere is warm, all the staff arrive to register, each person a small gift, followed by the company director's speech, toasts, awards, and other links to encourage morale, cohesion, and emotional resonance, this annual meeting is full of laughter, touching.

Statement by the Chairman:

Nayuy, the host, kicked off the annual meeting with a humorous opening speech, which mobilized the atmosphere instantly. She then gave a brief introduction to all the guests present and extended a warm welcome to them.

A welcome speech was first delivered by Pan Wenfeng, founder and general manager ofDAFON Machinery. The chairman of the board first reviewed the achievements of the company in 2023 and expressed his gratitude to all the staff for their hard work. He pointed out that 2023 is a very extraordinary year in the development course of the company. Facing the complex market environment and fierce competition, the company still achieved stage-by-stage strategic results. This is inseparable from the joint efforts and hard work of all employees.

The year 2024 will be full of opportunities and challenges. In the face of the new situation, the company will maintain a modest and enterprising spirit, continue to learn and innovate and work hard to realize the company's strategic goals with stronger confidence and determination.

Finally, I would like to extend my best wishes for the New Year to all the staff and hope that you will have a successful work, good health, and a happy family in the new year.


Awards Session:

In 2023, several excellent employees emerged fromDafon, who injected new power into the company's high-quality development with their practical actions. At the award ceremony, they received awards and encouragement from the company, and also harvested the applause of all the staff present!


Dinner Sessions

At the beginning of the dinner party, the scene was full of laughter, everyone raised their glasses to wish, looking back on the year 2023, we struggled and struggled to create the glory of DaFeng. In 2024, we will continue to work hard to provide global users with competitive intelligent solutions for stone processing, and digital technology to promote the technological innovation of stone processing equipment.


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